Mr. Oliver was back in the studio and his big sister and big brother were along for the ride! This is what I love. I have photographed all three of these wonderful little people from newborn to present. Seeing them grow makes my heart just melt. Now photographing three children that are 5 and under is no easy task. It took four adults singing and making complete fools of themselves to get such amazing portraits. As always, I thank Mom and Dad for being great sports and bringing the silly to the session.
Oliver is one big boy. At nearly 7 months he is already starting to stand and his hands were literally the size of a three year old! I adored all of his rolls and his laid back personality. I remember when Oliver’s mama told me she was expecting number three and my reply was, “you’re going to have a three ring circus at your house!” I can’t say for certain that she doesn’t have those days but Mr. Oliver was such a happy and easy going little man that I can’t imagine it’s too much chaos. Right mama?
Thank you for letting me be apart of each milestone of all three of these precious little kiddos’ lives. From the bottom of my heart, enjoy.