Introducing the adorable Miss Maggie, a class of 2018 Cuba City High School senior. Maggie has the most infectious personality of anyone I’ve ever met. Maggie is my cousin and I have had the pleasure of watching this happy go lucky little girl grow into an amazing young woman. Maggie has always had the biggest personality. She’s been able to talk your ear off and make you belly laugh since she could talk. So, I knew that her portraits had to capture just how much fun and how upbeat she is from dawn to dusk.
Our time together was a blast. I haven’t laughed that hard at a senior sessions in quite some time. We traveled around Platteville Wisconsin and then headed to the country side for some gorgeous sunset portraits. During our consultation Maggie only had one request, “bring the green chair”. Green is a big deal and I was happy to oblige. However, when I was planning for Maggie’s session I knew I had to bring the bubble machine. What better way to capture Maggie’s free spirited personality and infectious smile than a fish bubble machine?! I think her portraits speak for themselves that we all had a fantastic evening. To Maggie, Connie and Scott, I hope I captured the real Maggie and that you had an amazing experience. I know letting go of your babies is hard but I see nothing but the brightest of futures for your girls!
Oct 30, 2017, 10:32:17 PM
Robert Mattila - What a great job she is as good looking as her God father love you Maggie
Oct 30, 2017, 8:32:56 PM
Debbie Mattila - Man what a awesome job. I have been waiting to see them. Great job