This summer was full of amazing sessions and the fall is opening to even more color and gorgeous seniors! This Candid Crew member has never been without a positive attitude and willing to try anything new. What I love about this program is being able too see how much my reps change from their first session with me to their last personal session. Tyler a class of 2021 senior has grown in such confidence and I'm so proud of the young lady I have gotten to know the last 8 months. Tyler has always had wonderful accomplishments to her name as an athlete and student but for me I see how much she has grown as a young woman about ready to enter the next exciting chapter in her life.
For Tyler's personal session we traveled around Galena Illinois for some beautiful architecture and old world charm. I always love her silly spirit and it made the session so much fun. We then headed for some water portraits. Her gorgeous hombre dress was a perfect fit for this location. The water was surprisingly warm and we gathered some beautiful shots before having her dry off, wash up at the studio, and head to Dubuque for a night session! I love making a pretty girl in a glitzy prom dress twirl, frankly it's a must! The dress was positively gorgeous and caught the city lights just perfect. We had fun on the riverwalk, making our way around downtown, and ended under the beautiful marquee lights.
We have spent 8 months getting to know one another, creating beautiful art, and I hope creating lasting memories that she will fondly look back on in years to come. The slideshow below is long but shows her journey with the Senior Rep Program as a Candid Crew member as well as her own personal portrait session. Thank you to Tyler for being part of the Candid Crew and taking on this crazy year with a smile and a positive attitude. You will accomplish great things. Enjoy!